Re: ti-emu: Need info: new link software


Re: ti-emu: Need info: new link software

At 06:01 1998-04-17 +0000, you wrote:
>Hey, I'm getting pissed at the lack of good linking software for the
>parralel port link.
>So, I want to make some DOS linking software specific for the ti86 that
>ate the moment has no totally functional linking software.  
>It will be written in C++ in DOS and have an interface kinda like the
>current best linking software, CAL, that dosen't fully work for the 86. 
>I will also add stuff that I think is lacking in CAL.  
>Well, I need info.  I need you guys to send me any information you have
>on link protocal, 86x file formats, and if anyone has figured out the
>"Automated commands" that the graphlink software uses to ready the calc
>for variable transmision, let me know.

Get all info about linking and protocols and such from - every model has the same byte transfer protocol. They also share a variable transfer protocol, but the variables have different 'id' codes. Also download ThriftyLink, which comes with source code for 82/85. You should expect 82/83 to be very similar and 85/86 to be very similar.

The "automated commands" is a fun project :-)

                     -/- David Eriksson -/-

2 G o o D   P r o d u c t i o n s  ->
