ti-emu: CalcEm Version 0.2


ti-emu: CalcEm Version 0.2


CalcEm - The Calculator Emulator for Windows 95 is now out in a new version.

The new features are:
	- Smooth file transfer to calculator
	- TI-83 support

Other features:
	- TI-82 support
	- Resizable screen 
	- Memory viewer/editor 
	- CPU Register viewer 
	- Read/Write TI8XEMU calculator state files 
	- Distributed under the GNU public license 
	- Full source code available 

Download and read about it at:

                     -/- David Eriksson -/-

2 G o o D   P r o d u c t i o n s  ->  http://www.2goodsoft.com/
