ti-emu: Need info: new link software
ti-emu: Need info: new link software
Hey, I'm getting pissed at the lack of good linking software for the
parralel port link.
So, I want to make some DOS linking software specific for the ti86 that
ate the moment has no totally functional linking software.
It will be written in C++ in DOS and have an interface kinda like the
current best linking software, CAL, that dosen't fully work for the 86.
I will also add stuff that I think is lacking in CAL.
Well, I need info. I need you guys to send me any information you have
on link protocal, 86x file formats, and if anyone has figured out the
"Automated commands" that the graphlink software uses to ready the calc
for variable transmision, let me know.
Any hardware information you think I will need to finish my project,
please send it to me: