TIB: RE: Graphics for RPG


TIB: RE: Graphics for RPG

It's because we are being flooded with tons and tons of programs each day,
and it actually takes longer than you might hope to test them (ugh, I
shudder at the thought!)  Let's just say I hate testing programs, so I'm
glad I'm not doing filearchives.  :)  I'm going to take a look at your game
now, which BTW, has already been added.

Nathan Haines <nhaines@ticalc.org>
   Help Mail, FAQ, Other Sites Manager, and News Editor
   the ticalc.org project - http://www.ticalc.org/

> -----Original Message-----
> From: owner-ti-basic@lists.ticalc.org
> [mailto:owner-ti-basic@lists.ticalc.org]On Behalf Of KeysDezes@aol.com
> Sent: Saturday, November 13, 1999 9:45 AM
> To: ti-basic@lists.ticalc.org
> Subject: TIB: Graphics for RPG
> I've been working on a rather nice top-view scrolling RPG with an
> editor for
> the 89, but I have one small problem; My graphics are really bad!
>  I think
> the only good graphics I ever made were for my really nice Risk
> game (Which
> ticalc is certainly taking their sweet time in posting.  Let me
> know if you
> have any idea why.), and those were large graphics.  What I need
> are small
> sprites (preferably 8 X 8, but I could go as high as 12 X 12) of
> pretty much
> everything you would find in an RPG.  All sorts of terrains,
> buildings and
> cities (multiple sprites), objects (like chests and weapons),
> enemies, and a
> hero (from front, back, and both sides).  Of course, you would
> get your name
> in the credits and so on.  It's a Programmers Anonymous
> production, for those
> of you who care or even know what Programmers Anonymous is.  Thank you.
> PS  I know you doubt it, but I did manage to get the scrolling reasonably
> smooth.

Follow-Ups: References: