TIB: Graphics for RPG
TIB: Graphics for RPG
I've been working on a rather nice top-view scrolling RPG with an editor for
the 89, but I have one small problem; My graphics are really bad! I think
the only good graphics I ever made were for my really nice Risk game (Which
ticalc is certainly taking their sweet time in posting. Let me know if you
have any idea why.), and those were large graphics. What I need are small
sprites (preferably 8 X 8, but I could go as high as 12 X 12) of pretty much
everything you would find in an RPG. All sorts of terrains, buildings and
cities (multiple sprites), objects (like chests and weapons), enemies, and a
hero (from front, back, and both sides). Of course, you would get your name
in the credits and so on. It's a Programmers Anonymous production, for those
of you who care or even know what Programmers Anonymous is. Thank you.
PS I know you doubt it, but I did manage to get the scrolling reasonably