Re: TIB: List-Q
Re: TIB: List-Q
I don't like to use if statements or multiple character variables unless
necessary, so see if this code helps you.
U = your money
I = your inventory, amount of each item you have
N = name of all items
P = prices for all items
T = type of items in shop
A = item number you want to purchase
B = 1 if you can/did buy the item
0 if you can't/didn't buy the item
When buying, selecting item 0 will exit without buying.
:9/->/dimL I
:"Item AItem BItem CItem DItem EItem FItem GItem HItem I"/->/N
:Repeat A/>=/0 and A/<=/5
:Disp "Welcome to Store","1:","2:","3:","4:","5:","Funds:"
:Input "Pick an item: ",A
:If A==0:Goto X
:If 0/>=/U-P(A
:Disp sub("Need more $Sold!",11B+1,5-6(B-1
:Lbl X
The Unibomer
Jared Ivey
"Nothing succeeds like -- failure." -- Unknown