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I agree with Chris; but I would prefer to use the following commands
:If U<5
:(whatever you do if you don't have enough money)
:(Do your subtraction U-5->U and buy the item)
:End /
(NOTE: store symbol)
instead of the test he made. The test function is slightly smaller, and
it doesn't have to do any arithmetic on the left side of the test.
You could expand this idea further by using another variable instead of
the number 5. This way you can buy items at varying costs in your
program without rewriting the same code often. I'm sure everyone has
thought of that already, but I felt it should be said anyway.
>Attn.: Frank
>I have been programming TI's for quite some time. I would suggest the
>following code for what I believe you want your game to check.
>:If U-5>=0
>:(continue code, object is bought, and user gets output)
>:(they don't have the cash do this, object is not bought, and user
>gets output)
>If you have any other questions I'll be more than glad to answer >them.
You may also take a look at some of my games for the 82 & 85 at
> and entering the TI section.
>(this server is not very reliable so please be patient and check back
>if it's down.)
>Best of luck,
>Christopher Robin MacDougald
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