Re: TIB: List-Q
Re: TIB: List-Q
>On the 83 it's like this. Say you have ten possible items, so you'd
>make the list with eight elements.
>You now have a L1 that looks like this
Just so you know (FYI): /->/ is store /<>/ is not equal to /@/ is
On the 85, I think you would just say
:8/->/ dim LIST LIST can be anything up to 8 characters and must start
with a letter I i think
But I would make it
:1/->/dim LIST
then when you buy something you say
:dim LIST +1/->/dim LIST make the list one longer
:NUMBER/->/LIST(dim LIST-1) this will store a NUMBER into the list at
one place from the end.
then when you want to display, you display all but the last one.
:If dim LIST > 1
:For(COUNT,1,(dim LIST)-1)
:Disp "You have nothing stored."
:If dim LIST > 1
:For(COUNT1,0,(dim LIST)-1,8)
:For(COUNT2,1,(dim LIST)-1)
:Disp "You have nothing stored."
The only difference is that the second will stop after each 8 and wait for
the user to push enter. this will allow you to store up to 998 items.
>One thing that is kind of important, I think, is the way it checks the
>money. Notice that the check to see if the balance is positive or
>negative is done BEFORE the amount of money is changed. One might be
>tempted to do this (I'm assuming that the total cost of the item is 5)
>:If U >= 0
>The problem with this is, the money is subtracted regardless of
>whether or not the person has enough money. This will make a big
>difference if there is the possibility to get OUT OF debt. Think about
>it. Say the person's balance is -5 and they try to buy something that
>costs 5. Obviously they can't, and the calc will say that they can't.
>However U, the variable that represents that person's money, will go
>down ANOTHER five. Now their balance will be -10, even though they
>didn't actually buy anything. Just something you might want to be
>careful about.
We already fixed that problem.
>Jody Snider