Re: TIB: pxl-testing
Re: TIB: pxl-testing
> I thought It was simply stated, for ease of cross platform compatability.
> Because the 83 likes closd parens, it's best to close them so you can
> give your 82 program to the 83 people without a ton of complaints. (and
> get the double exposure on the Ti-Philes)
> ~Larry C
You're joking, right? Unless I misunderstood again. If you _close_ all
the parenthesese on the 83 and then transfer to the 82 won't you have
a bunch of extra ) ? I mean, for example; on the 82 it's "sin 30"
where it's "sin(30". Now, if you close the ) and get it onto the 82
you'll "sin 30)" which it REALLY won't like.
What do you mean, the 83 likes closing ) ? It doesn't care. They
just use up extra memory and (in most cases...but not all) you can
leave them off with no affect on the execution of the program.
Jody Snider