Re: TIB: pxl-testing


Re: TIB: pxl-testing

Jody Snider wrote: 
":If Pxl-Test(A,B)=1
really only needs to be
:If Pxl-Test(A,B
If it is off the calc will return a 0, which is false, and the next 
line will NOT be executed. If it is on, the calc will return a 1 for 
true, and the next line will be carried out. 

On a seperate note, I think I should mention that closing quotation 
marks and parentheses can be left off. Saves a little bit of space."

Yup...Just a note:  Don't use:
:If Pxl-Test(A,B=1   (or equivalent like " If vectorname(A,B=1"
because it would test if b is equal to one or not, and then check (A,0) or

P.S.  I agree that it should be:
:If Pxl-Test(A,B

Just wanted to make sure everyone understoodthat you need the parentheses if
you have an equals sign at the end.
