Re: TIB: pxl-testing
Re: TIB: pxl-testing
I thought It was simply stated, for ease of cross platform compatability.
Because the 83 likes closd parens, it's best to close them so you can
give your 82 program to the 83 people without a ton of complaints. (and
get the double exposure on the Ti-Philes)
~Larry C
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On Sun, 08 Feb 1998 19:41:19 +0000 Jody <> writes:
>> The 83 is snooty, so if you write an 82 prog and want it to run on
>> CLose those parens. I have a 92, and it's an easy habit to break
>> error message every time I type.
>> ~Larry C
>Don't get it. Why do you propse having closing ) if they aren't need?
>Jody Snider
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