TIB: Re: unsubscribe)


TIB: Re: unsubscribe)

Okay, I'll  go and check it out.  This is another situation that we all
need to reply to so that we know that we all have seen the graph.  By
sending a message before going, you can be assured of a strong graph. 
Also, by sending this I will increase my ranking in the "top mail
posters".  Unfortunately Grant has us all beat in mail quantity and
~Larry C
Contact me to put your dead/immortal/antique electronics on my new
website: the Vaccuum Gateway
"A combination Graveyard/Sanatarium/Rest Home"

On Sun, 8 Feb 1998 02:52:05 EST TGaArdvark@aol.com writes:
>If you wanna see something funny, go to
>and scroll down to the graph of the list bandwidth.
>For those of you familiar with that graph, you
>should find it incredibly funny. For the first 5
>days of February, TI-Basic is the most active list.
>This is funny in itself because TI-Hardware always
>used to be on top. And then on the sixth of
>Feburary, BOOM, a huge spike. TI-Basic is
>prbably using up 20 times the bandwidth of all the
>other lists COMBINED. The usual maximum
>number of lines of text for the most active list over
>a month is usually under 1000 per day. TI-Basic
>already peaked at 5647.

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