Re: TIB: SGI vs Sun vs Cry (was re:unsubscribe)


Re: TIB: SGI vs Sun vs Cry (was re:unsubscribe)

If you wanna see something funny, go to
and scroll down to the graph of the list bandwidth.
For those of you familiar with that graph, you
should find it incredibly funny. For the first 5
days of February, TI-Basic is the most active list.
This is funny in itself because TI-Hardware always
used to be on top. And then on the sixth of
Feburary, BOOM, a huge spike. TI-Basic is
prbably using up 20 times the bandwidth of all the
other lists COMBINED. The usual maximum
number of lines of text for the most active list over
a month is usually under 1000 per day. TI-Basic
already peaked at 5647.
