Re: TIB: Project List So Far
Re: TIB: Project List So Far
I'm not sure what this is all about, Ive been isolated, but put me under
82, 92, and as a possible 85 candidate.
If were listing ideas, how about being able to read the linkport from
Other Idea: a program to read text files of a 8x prog and auto change it
to an 8y. All we need iis a program w/global find/replace with a list of
all comands of each platform and the equivalents on the others. eg '83
RandInt5 ->Int rand (5). Clrhome->ClrLCD
I'm working on an Indy Manager game for the ti-92, where you manage a
race team.
82 projects:
Tic-Tac-Toe 4.0 (2 player, link player, computer plays (Brian Ash code))
rewriting Whack-A-Mole 2.9 (Maybe 3.0 won't be asm...)
Lavalamp 3
~Larry C <-Forgive me list, for I have been absent
On Tue, 10 Feb 1998 22:39:34 -0600 Christopher Robin MacDougald
<> writes:
>TI Basic Project List
>Christopher MacDougald
>Jeremy Mullins
>Rene Kragh Pedersen
>Michael Van Der Kolk
>Please note that if you do not mention your type of calc. We'll assume
>your not interested in this little project.
>Now that we have an interest lets discuss topics.
>Things mentioned so far...
>Flight Simulator
>Let me know what you think!
>Christopher MacDougald
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