TIB: Reasons for not using other sub progs & other stuff...


TIB: Reasons for not using other sub progs & other stuff...

	I've been PC programming for about 7 years. And when I started I used
PUNCH CARDS... In fact I wasn't allowed to use the Apple IIe's until I
had written a program in punch cards. Since then I've learned... Logo
Writer, Apple Basic, QBasic, Pascal, C, C++, HTML, JavaScript, TI-Basic
& Some ASM. Many of which I'm self taught. However I'm not proficient in
any except Pascal, HTML, & JavaScript. Since PUNCH CARDS where my first
programming experience I still program a little like I did with punch
cards. The rule with punch cards it to write the program once and keep
writing it until it can't get any smaller. But at the same time never
lacking in user friendliness! This is why that if you look at my
programs you'll see it. Even though it maybe only version 2.0 it's
probably version 30 or so. I would often finish a game and then play all
the possibilities and delete it just to see where I could make it
smaller & more effecinet. I'll try and post my work on this list as soon
as I get some more time... this weekend!!!

Jody: I'm curious as to WHY you don't use sub programs?
Jody: How do you work around an area in your code that has to be used by
more than one place?

One if it needs to be repeated in the program use a loop! And make sure
you write it as small as you can get it!

Jody: I agree that Repeat seems to be the fastest. I think it is just a
little bit faster than While. I'm not sure though, is Repeat faster than

For is much faster than repeat I try and use For( when ever I can but in
games... it often depends on the skill & patience's of the gamer... some
are slow others are fast.

Jody: When you use repeat to quickly get out of a Repeat loop, how do
you account for the "End"? Or do you use Goto to jump to just in front
of the End, but still within the loop?

I use repeat w/in repeat! And I just keep track of which end goes with
which repeat.

Jody I find this conversation very stimulating... It help you & I learn
better programming and that I believe is one reason why this list was
created! :-)

Christopher Robin MacDougald

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