TIB: Programming Methods...


TIB: Programming Methods...

    I prefer to program everything into one program. Simply because I
make use of lots of repeat until procedures. They seem a whole lot
faster than goto. I wrote what I think are some great basic games for
the 82. However have had lots of trouble converting them to 85 basic. I
have written the following programs. Arcade Games 2.0
Includes            Internal CalcBat, Calculator Man (Very Slow), &
Calculator Snakes. Sports Games 2.0 Includes Calculator Golf, Calculator
Racer, & Calculator Tennis. Card Games 2.0 Calculator BlackJack,
Calculator Poker, & Slots Calculator. I would love you all to judge my
programs you can get them on my server.
http://pcrm.dorm.utexas.edu/ti/DOWNLOAD.HTM#top please be patient
because it's not to reliable. If it's slow or down please try connecting
at a later time. This should give you all the information about my
programming style. Feel free to look at the code. Another thing is that
if anyone is interested in helping me port these to ASM, PLEASE let me
know in fact I'd love to discuss it in this list or the ASM list. Which
I am also registered to. You can email me at my main email box which is
crmacd@mail.utexas.edu or my hotmail which is crmacd@hotmail.com. Very
interesting ???'s I hope I answered some of them.

Christopher Robin MacDougald

Follow-Ups: References: