Re: TIB: Programming Methods...
Re: TIB: Programming Methods...
Christopher Robin MacDougald wrote:
> Tavis,
> I prefer to program everything into one program. Simply because I
> make use of lots of repeat until procedures. They seem a whole lot
> faster than goto. I wrote what I think are some great basic games for
> the 82. However have had lots of trouble converting them to 85 basic. I
> have written the following programs. Arcade Games 2.0
> Includes Internal CalcBat, Calculator Man (Very Slow), &
> Calculator Snakes. Sports Games 2.0 Includes Calculator Golf, Calculator
> Racer, & Calculator Tennis. Card Games 2.0 Calculator BlackJack,
> Calculator Poker, & Slots Calculator. I would love you all to judge my
> programs you can get them on my server.
> please be patient
> because it's not to reliable. If it's slow or down please try connecting
> at a later time. This should give you all the information about my
> programming style. Feel free to look at the code. Another thing is that
> if anyone is interested in helping me port these to ASM, PLEASE let me
> know in fact I'd love to discuss it in this list or the ASM list. Which
> I am also registered to. You can email me at my main email box which is
> or my hotmail which is Very
> interesting ???'s I hope I answered some of them.
> L8r,
> Christopher Robin MacDougald
This just reminded me of something. If you do use Repeat, While, For,
or any other loops that use an end statement be careful not to have a
goto in the middle. For example, don't do this:
:While X<10
:If X>A
:Goto 1
:Lbl 1
If you have to get out of a loop in the middle, make the variable big.
Try something like this:
:While X<10
:If X>A
Jody Snider