Re: New TI-89...
Re: New TI-89...
In article <7gt0r2$g4e$>,
"Mark Vulfson" <> wrote:
> Hello Everybody!!
> Texas Instruments have announced the new software for TI-89 (actually for
> TI-92+ too).
> It should be available in fall 1999.
> They say that it will have a different memory mapping to increase the memory
> size a bit.
> Does this mean that all the programs (games) will have to be adapted for the
> new version?
> Thanx,
> Mark
Probably yes. TI has said that it is doing major changes in the TI-OS so i
suspect that it will have a major impact on ASM programs. Especially if we
consider that there are a lot of things to fix or to change in the TI-OS. I
think that the actual TI-OS has been rushed and that now TI has to correctly
do its work. This is probably why this new OS is free. In addition to that TI
has not yet really support ASM so i don't think that it will mind about the
fact that actual ASM programs will work properly or not with the new OS
especially if we consider that most program are games.
Timiti Hassan
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