Re: New TI-89...
Re: New TI-89...
When Today's Date Was Fri, 07 May 1999 12:02:08 GMT, A Magical Being Known as
|In article <7gt0r2$g4e$>,
| "Mark Vulfson" <> wrote:
|> Hello Everybody!!
|> Texas Instruments have announced the new software for TI-89 (actually for
|> TI-92+ too).
|> It should be available in fall 1999.
|> They say that it will have a different memory mapping to increase the memory
|> size a bit.
|> Does this mean that all the programs (games) will have to be adapted for the
|> new version?
|> Thanx,
|> Mark
Do you know if it will cost money to upgrade?
The Rahat
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