Re: Comparisson TI 89 vs HP 48 GX
Re: Comparisson TI 89 vs HP 48 GX
In article <>,
Carla Killinger <carkilbermur@HOTMAIL.COM> wrote:
> I'm going to buy one of both calculators, and i want to know what it's the
> best. I'm student of engineering, UBA.
> What's the TI-89 or HP-48GX...
> Berni
The HP48GX is better for engeneering as it is a far better number cruncher
and as it has much more engeneering applications than the TI89. As an example
we are still waiting the engeneering apps like EEPRO for the TI89. The HP48GX
has EEPRO and a ton of other engeneering application.
But my best advice is to wait for the new HP which will be officially
announced on the 21 st of this month.
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