Re: x=@n3*PI


Re: x=@n3*PI

Hallo Dick,

 DS> but how about more elegant
 DS> reserved variables than @n156, such as italic "m" or "n"?

... or an greek letter?

By the way. It's ugly that you cannot use symbolic variables like R1 because
they are used for polar functions. I often had a expression like
U=(R1+R2+R3)/(R4+R5)*I that I want to put in the format R1=... Now I must
put in R01 or Ra. Not good. Uses a lot of time. :-))
In the other way, the TI puts all caracters (AXF) into small (axf) ones. Not
good too.

        from Baden/Germany
        FIDO 2:2476/707.2
