Re: x=@n3*PI
Re: x=@n3*PI
In article <>, (Glenn Fisher) wrote:
[big snip]
] Suppose you have a problem that returns the solution:
] f(...,@n1,...,@n2)
] as it's solution. The function "f" can be whatever, the point is that
] the solution is dependent upon two different arbitrary integers.
] I think you'll agree that
] f(...,@n,...,@n)
] is not all of the solutions as it doesn't contain f(...,3,...,4).
Not trying to be dense here, but I think you're going to have to show a
specific example before I'll accept this. I just have this feeling that,
like a lot of things in computing, a simpler, more elegant solution exists,
but I'd be happy (well, sort of!) to be proved wrong in this case.
Dick Smith
Acorn Risc PC