Re: LaPlace Transforms in TI89 and HP48 compared by Perez-Franco


Re: LaPlace Transforms in TI89 and HP48 compared by Perez-Franco

In article <7806fa$t2q$>,
  "Steen Schmidt" <> wrote:
> I dont think so - Erable came in a new version (v3.2). No more errors and
> much faster. See below for times

No more errors.
Much faster.
Even transforming functions with dephase.

Look at these times...

Function: 1 + t + 2*t^2 + 3*t^3 + 4*t^4 + 5*t^5 + 6*t^6
HP: 8.9 sec
TI: 10.6 sec
Rate: 0.84 (HP wins!)
Both gived identical answer display than MapleV.

Function: 1 + t*sin(t) + 2*t^2*sin(2*t) + 3*t^3*sin(3*t)
HP: 10.5 sec !!!
TI: 137.3 sec
Rate: 0.077 (HP wins!)
Both gived different answer display than MapleV.

Function: exp(5*t-3)+4*t^2*sin(7*t-Pi/3)+2*t^3/5
HP: 74.6 sec
TI: 79.1 sec
Rate: 0.94 (HP wins!)
Both gived different answer display than MapleV.

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