Re: Which TI should I get?
Re: Which TI should I get?
>I still say the TI's are much more useable. Have you seen the
>gyrations one must go through in order to symbolically integrate on an
>HP? Looking in the manual, it appears to be a 7 step process (8 steps
>for a definite integral). On the 89, or 92 series, it's. simple.
>Quite a bit faster on the 92 as well. On the 92, one just types in
>the integral, and doesn't have to wait for the menues to appear.
Well, if you did have a HP48 you would of course have both erable v3.2 and
ALG48 v4.2 installed and you would know that integrating any function
symbolically would only require ONE keypress!
Also; with those programs installed, the HP is at least as good at any
symbolic calculation as the TI's. You could argue that it's cheating when we
are using third-party programs, but that's one of the big advantages of the
HP. It's so darn old that anything has already been made for it (even an
external floppy drive), and by now version numbers are just rising and
programs thereby improving.