Re: Which TI should I get?


Re: Which TI should I get?

On Sun, 17 Jan 1999 23:40:32 +0100, "Steen Schmidt"
<> wrote:

>If anybody wants to challenge the usability of the HP48 against any TI calc,
>please include some proof instead of some headless lefthanded web-surfing.

I still say the TI's are much more useable.  Have you seen the
gyrations one must go through in order to symbolically integrate on an
HP?  Looking in the manual, it appears to be a 7 step process (8 steps
for a definite integral).  On the 89, or 92 series, it's. simple.
Quite a bit faster on the 92 as well.  On the 92, one just types in
the integral, and doesn't have to wait for the menues to appear.
>Please - get a grip. Grab a HP calculator or read what people are writing on
>comp.sys.hp48 before posting messages regarding something you know diddle
>about (this is a general statement to this ng - not meant personally to you
I have an HP calc.  2 of them in fact.  They fill up my junk drawer.
>Please flame me and prove you childish characters on this ng.
Is that an "The emperor wears no clothes" type challenge?  Well, the
emperor is ass out.

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