TI-83 syntax checking, file handling and more...


TI-83 syntax checking, file handling and more...

I've been coding TI-83 assembly for a few days, and Z80 in general for maybe
a month or so. I'm currently working on a shell I just call "Shell". At the
moment it's capable of producing a paged program list, it's capable of
showing a help file to the user, with inverse text, paragraphs and multiple
pages (circulated through with Enter). It's capable of running and deleting
programs, and it's capable of parsing equations.

This is where one of my problems comes in: Whenever the user makes a mistake
typing in an equation, the program will break with a syntax error message,
because the routine used to handle the message is some sort of BASIC-related
call. Now, what I want to know is: How can I do a syntax check on the
equation before feeding it to the equation parser? The parser itself
obviously has syntax checking, but it doesn't open for the program calling
it to handle the error.

My second question is about file handling: I know how to delete a file.
That's Ok. But: How do you rename it?

Oh, and another question:

Is there a better alternative to the

ld a,00h
call PgmIO_Exec
call _ChkFindSym

call? It seems to erase the screen text formatting. Should I write an input
routine myself?

Answers are greatly desired!

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