TI-83 syntax checking, file handling and more... (ignore o
TI-83 syntax checking, file handling and more... (ignore old message)
I've been coding TI-83 assembly for a few days, and Z80 in general for a
month or so. I'm currently working on a shell I've temporarily named "Shell
v1.0". Currently, it's capable of producing a paged list of programs,
showing a formatted help file to the user (inverse text, paragraphs, pages),
running programs, deleting programs, and parsing equations.
This is where my first problem comes in: Whenever the user makes a mistake,
the program will break with a 'syntax error' message. I guess this is
because the parsing routine (ParseInp or 4E8Ch) treats all programs like
they were BASIC. Is there some way of detecting syntax errors before they're
fed to the parsing routine? Or: Is there a way of just preventing those
annoying error screens from appearing, and rather pass the error on to the
assembler program?
I know how to delete a symbol, I know how to create one, but I don't know
how to rename one. How do you rename a program? Do you delete it, and
recreate it with another name? Do you change it's name direcly, and move the
entire symbol table?
Answers are greatly desired!
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