Re: ti-86 vs. ti-89
Re: ti-86 vs. ti-89
>Okay, so the HP48G takes formulas the way you write them on paper? Last
>time I checked, it was the TI-89/92 with the pretty print. RPN certainly
>doesn't resemble the way you write it on paper. Grated, the algebraic entry
>option of the HP matches the TI's system but your claim was pretty wild.
Yes, the HP does allow users to input formulas exactly in the form they would
on paper. There is nothing wild about this claim. If you know anyone with an
HP, ask him/her to show you the EquationWriter or read chapter 7 inthe manual.
And yes, last time I checked, the TI-89/92 did DISPLAY in pretty print. But
the TI-89/92 does not allow the user to input equations in pretty print; the
user is stuck type S(sqrt(1/x), x, 1, 10) and seeing the equation in pretty
The HP allows display in pretty print too, with additional programs. You have
to understand that the HP48 was created 13 years ago. I know that doesn't help
people now, but it is confirmed that HP is releasing a new calculator in the
near future. What is amazing is that this 13 year old calculator can still do
everything other than symbolic integration better than the TI-89. (I can back
that up with significant tests, although those tests were conducted with a
stock TI-89 with no programs. I cannot attest to what programs can do for the
And, as I said earlier,considering Hewlett Packard's track record, unless a
person needs a new calculator NOW, it is in his/her best interest to wait and
see what HP will come out with next.
>always prefer whichever system they learned to use first.
That's not always true. I learned to use the TI first but lost my calculator,
bought an HP48G and I will never go back.
>There's no use in saying one way is better than the other anyway.
No, there is no use in simply saying "My way is better than your way! Ha!"
But when someone asks a question that I believe I have an objective, correct
answer to, there is much utility in giving that answer (which, as I recall, was
"Wait and see what HP comes out with").
I responded to a post by indifference about the HP48 and the TI-89 on
comp.sys.hp48. In it I outlined the differences I have noticed between the
HP48 and the TI-89. The thread is titled "HP-48GX symbolic integral?" A
dejanews search should probably find it with ease.
Hope this helps,
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