Re: ti-86 vs. ti-89
Re: ti-86 vs. ti-89
In article <7f2q5n$7ej$>,
"Indifference" <> wrote:
> Has anyone else been able to confirm the new HP calc coming out in any way?
> I would appreciate any input. Thanks in advance
> Indifference
I confirm.
I is highly probable that HP will announce its new calc before the 05/21/1999
because this date is the first day of the opened doors days of HP France(based
in Grenoble) and i think that HP will present its new calc during this
Now about HP48GX and TI89 processor: The CPU of the TI89 is almost 8 times
more poweful than the CPU of the HP48GX. Some games of the HP48GX are faster
than their TI89'equivalent because they are much better written. Note that
the HP48 is also much faster than the TI89 for numeric computations and for
user programms execution. It is due to: -Despite its relative weakness the
HP48 CPU is very efficeient for BCD computations in comparaison of the M68K.
-The HP48 has much better numeric algorithms(faster) -The HP48 has a better
parser and much faster loops
Your decision to wait for the new HP is probably the best choice.
It will certainly be the best calc for a very long time.
Timiti Hassan
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