Re: ti-86 vs. ti-89
Re: ti-86 vs. ti-89
>>>A 48G is cheaper than a ti86, it has built in symbolic derivative
>>>and integrals.
>>Both of which are a royal pain in the neck to use.
>Perhaps to someone used to going around his elbow to get to his thumb. I
>prefer entering formulas into the calculator just as I would write them on
>paper (and having the option of using the backwards TI method) than being
>stuck into one specific way of doing things.
Okay, so the HP48G takes formulas the way you write them on paper? Last
time I checked, it was the TI-89/92 with the pretty print. RPN certainly
doesn't resemble the way you write it on paper. Grated, the algebraic entry
option of the HP matches the TI's system but your claim was pretty wild.
There's no use in saying one way is better than the other anyway. People
always prefer whichever system they learned to use first.
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