Re: ti-86 vs. ti-89
Re: ti-86 vs. ti-89
>>>>A 48G is cheaper than a ti86, it has built in symbolic derivative
>>>>and integrals.
>>>Both of which are a royal pain in the neck to use.
>>Perhaps to someone used to going around his elbow to get to his thumb. I
>>prefer entering formulas into the calculator just as I would write them on
>>paper (and having the option of using the backwards TI method) than being
>>into one specific way of doing things.
>I'm not sure what you mean by "I much prefer entering formulas into
>the calculator just as I would write them on paper" can you explain
>what you mean?
For instance, if I want to integrate the equation e^x from 0 to 1, I would
enter the equation editor, press the button labeled with the integration
symbol, and the equation editor displays an integration symbol and moves the
cursor down to the bottom right part of the symbol, and I type 0, the lower
limit, and then press press the right direction key, indicating to the equation
editor that I am ready to move on to the next section. The cursor subsequently
moves to the top right of the symbol, and I type 1, and then move right again.
This moves the cursor to the right of the integral symbol, and there i type e.
Then I press the y^x button, which raises the cursor into a superscript
position, in which I type x. I move right again and the cursor returns normal
type. Since this is the end of my integrand, I move right once more and a
small "d" appears, where I type x (indicating integration with respect to x)
and when I hit ENTER my equation is translated into an algebraic and put on the
stack. Of course, I always have the option of typing (where "int" is the
integration symbol) 'int(exp(x), x, 0, 1)' and evaluating that algebraic.
Hence, the HP has the flexibility that the TI does not have.
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