Re: Ti-basic to PC Compiler? Is it Possible?
Re: Ti-basic to PC Compiler? Is it Possible?
I did that once, when I was really bored. I ported a really basic slot
machine program from my TI-85 to DOS QBasic. The program wasn't very
difficult to do; the problem was that it ran WAY too fast. It was impossible
to do anything, because all the numbers flew by way too fast to react. That
was on a Pentium 133, I don't even want to think about what it would be like
on the PII350 that I have now. However, I don't have any idea how difficult
it would be to use any of the more complex functions and math-type stuff.
Good luck,
Rob Lion
M-A's Dez III
<> wrote in message">
> Is it possible (more like worth it) to make a compiler that will get a
> program and compile it for use In DOS or even Windows/Mac? I mean, I do
> C++ and all the Microsoft Basic Varients, but it would be interesting to
> e basic programs into your computer and run them at high speed as well as
not n
> eeding an emulator to play them on your computer.
> ====================
> The Lizard
> ====================
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