Re: ti-86 vs. ti-89
Re: ti-86 vs. ti-89
On 12 Apr 1999 05:33:06 GMT, (Jemfinch02) wrote:
>>I'm not sure what you mean by "I much prefer entering formulas into
>>the calculator just as I would write them on paper" can you explain
>>what you mean?
>For instance, if I want to integrate the equation e^x from 0 to 1, I would
>enter the equation editor, press the button labeled with the integration
>symbol, and the equation editor displays an integration symbol and moves the
>cursor down to the bottom right part of the symbol, and I type 0, the lower
>limit, and then press press the right direction key, indicating to the
>editor that I am ready to move on to the next section. The cursor
>moves to the top right of the symbol, and I type 1, and then move right again.
>This moves the cursor to the right of the integral symbol, and there i type e.
>Then I press the y^x button, which raises the cursor into a superscript
>position, in which I type x. I move right again and the cursor returns normal
>type. Since this is the end of my integrand, I move right once more and a
>small "d" appears, where I type x (indicating integration with respect to x)
>and when I hit ENTER my equation is translated into an algebraic and put on
>stack. Of course, I always have the option of typing (where "int" is the
>integration symbol) 'int(exp(x), x, 0, 1)' and evaluating that algebraic.
>Hence, the HP has the flexibility that the TI does not have.
Whew! I guess you write on paper in a much different manner than me.
I think I like the ti's better, to calculate the same integral, I just
type int(e^x,x,0,1) where int is the integral symbol.
I must admit that the TI doesn't give me the options of going through
all the options you describe, but I'm not sure I would miss those
And also with the TI, I don't have to go through all the gyrations to
calculate an indefinite integral symbolically either, for example, to
get the integral of e^x, I just type int(e^x,x) and press enter.
The TI requires none of the 8 step process the HP requires, including
entering 0 and the variable to integrate wrt, and later removing them
by converting the expression to an object, and using the drpn command
whatever that is.
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