Re: ti-86 vs. ti-89
Re: ti-86 vs. ti-89
Hmmmn. Well I checked out the stats on the 89 and the 48G, and I found that
on the 89, a large part (344K) is called "User data archive" memory. I'm
confused as wether that is available to the user to store programs,
variables etc. or that is just "working memory for the calc". The document
i'm referring to is here. Somebody explain it to me, because i'm confused
>Both of which are a royal pain in the neck to use.
>>It also has about 30KB of formulas preprogrammed in.
>Most of which, you'll never use.
>>Besides, the
>>HP 48-G processor is faster than the 89 processor
>Wrong. The 48's are *slow*, I've never had a calc other than the 48's
>that you have to wait for a menu to open. Further the numerical
>solver on the 48's is way slower too.
>Overall, a TI calc is faster to use.
>Spend the extra dough, and get an 89, you won't be sorry.
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