Re: ti-86 vs. ti-89
Re: ti-86 vs. ti-89
<<Well I checked out the stats on the 89 and the 48G, and I found that
on the 89, a large part (344K) is called "User data archive" memory. I'm
confused as wether that is available to the user to store programs,
variables etc. or that is just "working memory for the calc">>
The User Data Archive is like a Hard Drive, while regular memory is like
(actually IS) Static Ram. You can store variables in Static Ram and keep them
when the calculator is off. Furthermore, you can access them, run them, modify
them, anything. Variables in the User Data Archive can be stored, deleted, and
accessed. However, they cannot be modified while in the User Data Archive. To
modify a variable in the User Data Archive you must drag it out to Static Ram,
modify it, and place it back in the Data Archive. Apart from this (very minor)
nuisance, the UDA is *very* nice.
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