Re: New TI Graphlink software for 89


Re: New TI Graphlink software for 89

The problem with the current Mac TI-86 link software is that it
is slow when the calculator is loaded up with programs.
It takes more time to transfer a small collection of files
from the computer to the calculator that it does to
transfer a large set of files from calculator to calculator.
I have to do this for each of my classes of about 30 students.
One would think the computer would be faster but it is not.
With the TI-85 software it was a breeze to do the whole class
in about 10 min.with the computer. With the TI-86 it seems to take
the whole hour.

Another problem with the TI-86 mac link software is that you have only
one option for the size of "screen shots", with the TI-85 one had I believe
three, on the TI-92 one has two. This may seem like a minor point,
since one can always drop the "screen shots" into other programs
and expand or contract them, but if you are doing a larger number
of them, like I do when I write tutorials an such it is a big deal.
Frankly I wish the TI-86 software worked as well as the TI-85 does.
My hope, but again I doubt we will see the TI-92+ and TI-89 mac link
software very soon, is that TI-92+ and TI-89 mac link will be more like
the mac TI-92 or even more like the TI-85 and not like the TI-86.
But, I suppose beggars can't be choosers. However I am looking for
other products, product that supports the both the mac and educational
concerns. Mathematica, for about $150 per student and full support
for the mac an pc users, would be an option, I know a number of schools
are moving in that direction. I for one would rather use the TI-89/TI-92+
in the classroom and in my lesson planning, but with out the mac-TI
connection it just doesn't work.

You mentioned VirtualPC. This works only on newer mac's, many of the
older ones, like we have at school and our students have is not
an option. In the educational community the mac users are very adamant
about their mac's, even though they are old. For the most part the
older macs are working just fine and the teachers have no reason to buy
newer ones. I don't think TI is aware or for that matter cares its mac

Good Luck


><<Thank you for the info. However, there still is no mac link software
>for the TI-92+ nor TI-89. I doupt there ever will be any.
>G. Wardall>>
>In all likelyhood there will be one, eventually; It will have an awful
>interface(like the 83's), and will never be updated again.  Meanwhile the 86
>software recently got completely redone to look like a decent Mac application.
>Anyone know if those changes are coming to the other versions(particularly the
>On another note...  Are there any accurate counts as to the # of sales on all
>the calcs?  i.e.  Which model has sold the most, has the 85 sold more than the
>82, etc...
>And while I'm at it another note...  Is there _ever_ going to be a Mac
>assembler?  CAZ hasn't been updated in months/years, and I'm getting rather
>sick of loading VirtualPC to run a PC one.
