Re: New TI Graphlink software for 89


Re: New TI Graphlink software for 89

I just e-mailed TI and they said the Mac Graph Link software would be out
later this month.

Bryan Rabeler <>
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On Fri, 13 Nov 1998, Gary Wardall wrote:

> The problem with the current Mac TI-86 link software is that it
> is slow when the calculator is loaded up with programs.
> It takes more time to transfer a small collection of files
> from the computer to the calculator that it does to
> transfer a large set of files from calculator to calculator.
> I have to do this for each of my classes of about 30 students.
> One would think the computer would be faster but it is not.
> With the TI-85 software it was a breeze to do the whole class
> in about 10 min.with the computer. With the TI-86 it seems to take
> the whole hour.
> Another problem with the TI-86 mac link software is that you have only
> one option for the size of "screen shots", with the TI-85 one had I believe
> three, on the TI-92 one has two. This may seem like a minor point,
> since one can always drop the "screen shots" into other programs
> and expand or contract them, but if you are doing a larger number
> of them, like I do when I write tutorials an such it is a big deal.
> Frankly I wish the TI-86 software worked as well as the TI-85 does.
> My hope, but again I doubt we will see the TI-92+ and TI-89 mac link
> software very soon, is that TI-92+ and TI-89 mac link will be more like
> the mac TI-92 or even more like the TI-85 and not like the TI-86.
> But, I suppose beggars can't be choosers. However I am looking for
> other products, product that supports the both the mac and educational
> concerns. Mathematica, for about $150 per student and full support
> for the mac an pc users, would be an option, I know a number of schools
> are moving in that direction. I for one would rather use the TI-89/TI-92+
> in the classroom and in my lesson planning, but with out the mac-TI
> connection it just doesn't work.
> You mentioned VirtualPC. This works only on newer mac's, many of the
> older ones, like we have at school and our students have is not
> an option. In the educational community the mac users are very adamant
> about their mac's, even though they are old. For the most part the
> older macs are working just fine and the teachers have no reason to buy
> newer ones. I don't think TI is aware or for that matter cares its mac
> customers.
> Good Luck
> G.Wardall
> ><<Thank you for the info. However, there still is no mac link software
> >for the TI-92+ nor TI-89. I doupt there ever will be any.
> >
> >G. Wardall>>
> >
> >In all likelyhood there will be one, eventually; It will have an awful
> >interface(like the 83's), and will never be updated again.  Meanwhile the 86
> >software recently got completely redone to look like a decent Mac application.
> >Anyone know if those changes are coming to the other versions(particularly the
> >83?)
> >
> >On another note...  Are there any accurate counts as to the # of sales on all
> >the calcs?  i.e.  Which model has sold the most, has the 85 sold more than the
> >82, etc...
> >
> >And while I'm at it another note...  Is there _ever_ going to be a Mac
> >assembler?  CAZ hasn't been updated in months/years, and I'm getting rather
> >sick of loading VirtualPC to run a PC one.
> >
> >Thanks,
> >
> >--Vincent
