Re: Something a little bit more feasable.
Re: Something a little bit more feasable.
On Tue, 9 Sep 1997 20:04:42 -0600, ilya winham
<ilyamojo@GEOCITIES.COM> wrote:
>Instead of trying to construct a memory expander/extender gadget which
>is very complicated and pricey, I have a better idea for more memory.
>Why doesn't someone try to make a samll little box type device that can
>hold 1 backup file. So you send a backup to this little box which plugs
>into your link port and if something happens to your memory you can plug
>in the box and send the backup to your calc. This idea seems to be
>easier to construct than a whole memory expansion thing. Just my $0.02
not really feasable-
1. You can't really get 32k memory chips. So, you'd have to get
something like 256k. Which means you either waste a fat load of space,
or you design the thing with a whole row of buttons and much more
wiring, making it probably even more complicated than the 'memory
expansion thing', since you'd need a button (or some kind of
interface) to select those different backups.
2. Either way, you need some kind of memory that can be written
through the linkport. the unique atmel type chip used in the original
ESP by Mel Tsai uses a serial interface rather than a 3-way
clocktoggle, data, and effective adress system. All the other chips
now considered for use (mostly eeprom and similar slow-write,
fast-read, cheap memory systems) need a seperate processor to
interpret the signals coming through the linkport and controlling the
memory. Using the backup thing is only an issue of implementing the
driver in the calc/rom code on the expander device.