Re: ti85 bug
Re: ti85 bug
On Wed, 10 Sep 1997 17:48:19 +0200, Mislav Bilobrk
<bili@FLY.CC.FER.HR> wrote:
Yep, it's a bug indeed. Though, you missed one part:
(NB: everything within " should be typed, excluding the " of course.)
(NB2: everything within [] means you need to hit that key.)
"ClLCD:Input x" (you write ClrLCD.)
[2nd] [mode] [graph] (this shows the special graph menu for when
within specific functions. I does not have the y= and all that. just
some commands like DispG)
again: [2nd] [mode] [graph] (this is the first bug. this should NOT
warp you to the actual graph menu with the y= stuff and all.)
[F1] this selects the y= editor. you shouldn't be able to from an
input prompt, but due to the bug mentioned earlier, you can.
"Z dot PtOn" (no enter)
[2nd] [mode]
[graph] (you forgot to mention this. need to hit this.)
and now use the left and right keys [<] and [>].
Also, since you are in still in the input prompt mode, exiting from
the y= editor by using exit repeatedly wipes the menu, but does not
wipe the y1= prompt, which should dissapear along with the menus. type
something, hit enter (you get to y2=), hit [2nd] [mode] some again,
hit enter and [2nd] [quit] a few times, and soon you should be back at
the ? prompt. my calculator appears to function normally.
Did you read this somewhere or did you run across this one by
accident? Must have taken a long time!
- ti85 bug
- From: Mislav Bilobrk <bili@FLY.CC.FER.HR>