Re: inferred?
Re: inferred?
Not true; the Hp calcs have infra red transfer capabilities. The range
is limited because Hp crippled the receiver to placate the school
boards, but people have disabled the crippling component and
successfully shot information across a room. The real trick is powering
the device, making it discrete, and interfacing with the calculator.
> ----------
> From: Thomas J. Hruska[SMTP:thruska@TIR.COM]
> Reply To: Thomas J. Hruska
> Sent: Sunday, October 05, 1997 11:00 PM
> Subject: Re: inferred?
> At 04:49 PM 10/5/97 -0400, you wrote:
> >At 03:30 AM 10/4/97 -0500, Digitalboy wrote:
> >>Plz e-mail me if you have any awser to this Me anf my friend have a
> chat
> >>prog for the ti-85 but I don't theink the teacher would like a big
> long
> >>cord going across the room plz if you know any way to make a
> inferred
> >>link help us!!
> >
> >A) Infrared
> >
> >B) It is too expensive to be reasonable, IMHO
> Another problem with an infrared link is that the emitter and the
> receiver
> have to be lined up almost precisely. Take most T.V. remotes today.
> They
> are based on an infrared emitter. Most VCRs today are also taking the
> same
> route. However, the VCR controls that use radio waves are the best
> because
> radio waves will travel through almost anything. They also travel in
> multiple directions which means that you will hit the receiver on the
> almost every time.
> Making a radio link for the TI-xx graphing calc series is a better
> solution
> than an infrared one. However, nobody has made a workable radio link
> yet.... So, don't ask :)
> Thomas J. Hruska --
> Shining Light Productions -- "Meeting the needs of fellow programmers"