Re: TI or HP? answered--A Modest Proposal


Re: TI or HP? answered--A Modest Proposal

While you present an outstanding and logical argument, I think its a bit
much to say that you have answered this question once and for all!  I do
think that you are reflecting a common perception, though.  And as
anybody with any sense knows, a perception over a long enough time will
become an accepted truth.

What I would like to see is an objective comparison of several criteria;

1)  Capabilities
2)  Number and types of functions
3)  Accuracy
4)  Speed
5)  Programming support/programmability (somewhat subjective)

About the most complicated issue with the hp calculators over Ti calcs
as far as a "learning curve" goes in my opinion is learning RPN or
postfix notation.  To enter and invert a matrix on both calculators is a
trivial task; to plot any of the multiple plots either can do is also
trivial.  The Hp and Ti's can be as obscure and easy to use as each
other, depending on what you are familiar with.

I propose a fair and objective evaluation of the top of the line Ti's
with the Hp-48.  I am interested in comparing the actual abilities of
the Ti calculators (Ti-92, 86 & 83) in solving problems, plotting,
functionality, speed, accuracy, etc.  If you are a Ti-86, 83 or 92 owner
and wish to participate, please e-mail me.  I am in the process of
developing a standard battery of objective tests.  The idea is not to
prove which is best, as they all serve different purposes, but to
compare the capabilities of each so that people can have a common base
for discussion on the merits of each.


Mark Wilson

> ----------
> From:         James Doebbler[SMTP:james69@GEOCITIES.COM]
> Reply To:
> Sent:         Sunday, October 05, 1997 5:09 PM
> Subject:      TI or HP? answered
> Hello all-
>         I am a 15-year-old owner of an HP48GX.  Most of the posts in
> this
> thread are just saying: "I own a (TI or HP), so it is the better one."
> My friend (who owned a TI-85) asked my opinion (since I owned an HP)
> of
> which calculator I thought he should buy (HP or TI-86).  After asking
> him several questions, I recommended that he buy a TI.  Without going
> into details, let me just say several things:
>         1)  I think that the HP48GX is the most powerful and advanced
> graphing calculator available.
>         2)  But, the HP is therefore more complex and harder to get
> used        to
> using.
>         3)  Most of the TI owners seem to be suited to TI's.
>         4)  Only some of the HP users seem to be suited to HP's.
> 5)  I think
> that the average calculator user should buy a TI, but   the advanced
> user
> should buy an HP.
>         Basically, what I'm saying is that a TI is acceptable for
> almost
> anybody, while an HP is suited only for the highly advanced users who
> are not afraid to learn something totally new.  The HP is commonly
> referred to as the "Hacker's Calculator" because it is so powerful and
> has so much freedom of use.
>         I have used all the TI calculators extensively and would have
> no
> problem with owning one.  But, I am glad that I own an HP.  I don't
> know
> of anybody who owns a TI and is disgusted with it, but many HP users
> are
> disgusted with the HP's because they are above their level.  These
> people should've bought a TI.
> If you want to be safe, buy a TI, but I bought an HP and am VERY
> satisfied with it.
> --
> James Doebbler
