
Re: A92: New TI-92 OS! (Update & Anouncement)

> Many of the TI-92's ROM calls are not reentrant. How are you handling that
> in your OS?

   For the most part, I'm not using them in the kernel.  User programs will be
able to access TI-ROM calls through the TI-Library, waiting and signaling on a
semaphore so that only one has access at a time.  Also, I imagine that the
programs will not be given access to functions which are persistent (opening
dialogs, creating menus), since these would affect the TI-OS with unknown
   I'm not vouching for the utility of the new kernel, only it's operation.
 When you see the demo you may get a few ideas as to it's utility however.
 Floating palettes which display memory or a variable's value, and independent
sprites (sprites which control themselves) for games are two good examples.

