Re: A89: Re: A new cake of s**t?


Re: A89: Re: A new cake of s**t?

>    On the other hand, they are just stupid to completely ignore the TI
>programming community, because we add TONS of value to their product.  I
>mean, the large library of games is a major reason for buying expensive
>graphing calculators at my school.  TI should be grateful to us, but they
>don't even acknowledge us, much less listen to us.  TI should stop delaying
>and release their SDK and assembly information (the delays are most likely
>due to MaxMem and HW2patch, and if they cared at all about us, they wouldn't
>have put in the limitations that these programs defeat).

Hey, there is a reason TI will not listen to us: no matter what they do,
people will still make games for the calculators, one way or the other.
Remeber that TI wants the image that these are graphing calculators used
for math and such, not for games.  What would teachers say if TI had
actually helped out the gaming community.

As it stands, TI doesn't give a damn -- games will always be made.  We are
too forgiving of them, and what sucks more is that we cannot just stop
programming games, since that would get too many other people mad.  And if
we continue to program regardless of their actions, they will continue to
screw the games programmers.

So that is the paradox we must deal with.  I leave it to you to decide what
to do.



"It is insufficient to protect ourselves with laws; we need to protect
ourselves with mathematics."
-- Bruce Schneier
