A89: Re: A new cake of s**t?


A89: Re: A new cake of s**t?

A cake of s**t?

I think it loses something in the translation, Zeljko.

    First of all, I understand you must be angry that your work is being
messed up by TI, but remember, it's their ROM, their calculator, their
everything.  If it wasn't for TI, there wouldn't be an 89.

    On the other hand, they are just stupid to completely ignore the TI
programming community, because we add TONS of value to their product.  I
mean, the large library of games is a major reason for buying expensive
graphing calculators at my school.  TI should be grateful to us, but they
don't even acknowledge us, much less listen to us.  TI should stop delaying
and release their SDK and assembly information (the delays are most likely
due to MaxMem and HW2patch, and if they cared at all about us, they wouldn't
have put in the limitations that these programs defeat).

    I don't know why TI's OS design seems so stupid.  Many things in TI-OS
are very stupid, such as the 8 (now 24) Kb limit, and the extreme slowness
of things in general.  The internal design of the OS, although flexible,
sacrifices too much speed, in my opinion.  If TI's AMS was as fast as
Hewlett Packard's, TI-89s would run probably 2-4 times faster than HP calcs
because of the faster processor.  Then there's TI's redesign of parts of the
OS, which probably resulted in those routines being taken out.  These
redesigns have not made TI-OS any better, so why is TI doing them?  TI
should spend its time making TI-OS _better_!  Adding useful features, and
optimizing, and such.  They should pay attention to us and not change things
at random in TI-OS.

> I want to see your comments...

Well, there they are.  Anybody else up for commenting on TI's "cakes of

James Darpinian

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