A89: Re: Re: Re: A new cake of s**t?
A89: Re: Re: Re: A new cake of s**t?
> According to an response to an email I sent TI, the limit is so
> that people won't run flash applications in RAM. Could some one
> tell me how some one would do this? Since aren't flash apps
> encrypted, or is that just the certificates?
They are just extremely stupid. See, suppose that their intention
were to disallow running flash applications in RAM. But their
protection device is buggy: it does not protect anything out of
"regular" RAM address space (0-256 KB). That's why we can always
execute any program in the RAM no matter how much it is long,
and no matter which AMS release (including any future ones) is
installed in the calculator. I will explain this better. Suppose
that you copy and relocate properly the flash application to
address x to RAM. You can't start it from address x due to
protection. Yes, this protection can be disabled using HW2Patch,
but TI can make such AMS without any "software holes" so that
HW2Patch would not be possible. But, suppose that you copy the
flash application to address x to RAM, but to relocate it instead
as it is located at address x+256K. Then, if you start it from
address x+256K, the protection will not work!!! Due to partial
decoding, addresses x and x+256K points to the same physical
address in the RAM. TI can't stop us to doing such things by
making new AMS. The only way to stop is to make HW3 hardware
release, with non-buggy protection device.
I hope that somebody from TI will read this. After this, if they
are enough clever, they will remove the protection. As you can
see, this protection can always be bypassed, no matter what they
done. The final note for TI: we really don't want to crack and
to pirate your commertial flash apps. We only want to produce
OUR freeware software without any limitations!
Zeljko Juric