A89: Re: storing from d1 to a0
A89: Re: storing from d1 to a0
> I tried it that way but for some reason it's not working for me. The
> following code should equal the same thing, shouldn't it?
> move.l #t_stat,a0
> move.w d0,(a0)
> and
> move.l #s1stat,a0
> move.w d0,(a0)
> s1stat dc.w 0
> t_stat dc.l s1stat,s2stat,etc.
> but in my program when I try the second one, it works, but if I try the
> first one, it doesn't.
Well, they are two different things. I think I understand what you
want to do.
Do you want to access a data element of which the address is stored in
the table ? That is, something like this:
a dc.w 1
b dc.w 3
c dc.w 99
t dc.l a, b, c
and then you want to read the content of 'b' as the object pointed by
the second element of the table 't' ?
If that's what you want, then you have to omit the # in the table
business *or* use explicit indirection. Look at this:
; This code fetches the content of 'a' then stores to 'b':
move.l t,a0 ; Note the lack of '#'. A0 is loaded the
; address of 'a'
move.w (a0),d0
move.l t+4,a0 ; Read a long from t+4, that is a0 is now
; the address of b
move.w d0,(a0)
In the above case your code explicitely contained the table indices 0
and 1 (which translate to nothing and 4 in byte offset, respectively).
If you want a dynamic offset, then do this:
; This code fetches the word pointed by the d1-th element of the
; table then stores it in the word pointed by the d2-th element of
; the table. That is, if d1 is 1 and d2 is 2 then, in our example, it
; will make 'c' to be equal to 'b'.
sll.w #2,d1 ; Make longword offset from both indices
sll.w #2,d2
move.l #t,a0 ; Get the address of the table into a0
move.l 0(a0,d1.w),a1 ; Fetch the d1-th element of the table into
; a1. This table element is the address of
; the word object we read from
move.w (a1),d1 ; Fetch the word object
add.w d2,a0 ; This two instructions are an equivalent
move.l (a0),a1 ; to move.l 0(a0,d2.w),a1 except that a0 is
; changed so it does not point to the table
; any more. Nevertheless, a1 now points to
; the target.
move.w d1,(a1) ; Store the word in the target
In general,
move.l #x,a0
loads the address if x into a0 while
move.l x,a0
loads the content of the longword at address x to a0.
Hope this helps,