A89: storing from d1 to a0
A89: storing from d1 to a0
I was wondering if it was possible to store
something from d1to an address pointed to by a0. I tried doing
move.w d1(a0)
after having pointed a0 to a variable earlier in
the program, but it didn't work. The reason I need this is because I am
using lookup tables, and I need to store a variable located in d1 to the address
pointed to by a0, as in the following:
move.w scounter,d0
rol.w #2,d0
add.l #(t_stat),d0
move.l d0,a0
move.w d1,(a0)
t_stat dc.l
so that if scounter equaled 0 then stat1 would
equal what is in d1. Any help would be appreciated.