Re: A89: The future of 89/92+ Shells(AMS2.0,92+SDK)
Re: A89: The future of 89/92+ Shells(AMS2.0,92+SDK)
Why don't thay just release a header file with C function prototypes. It
wouldn't take too long for TI to make one and it would be very helpful.
>From: Olle Hedman <>
>Subject: Re: A89: The future of 89/92+ Shells(AMS2.0,92+SDK)
>Date: Sun, 31 Oct 1999 21:56:59 +0100
>I'm quite shure they have all the information. They just need to organize
>and make nice-looking docs out of them.
>And then, they are probably waiting until they have finished AMS2.0 before
>release anything. And I recon a lot will change in AMS2.0 too, so some
>documentry cant be done until it is finished.
>Andrew Magness wrote:
> >
> > Well i know when I make something and don't document parts of it right
> > and then come back in a year i can't figure out why the heck i did that
> > how i did something...
> >
> > At 02:13 PM 10/31/99 EST, you wrote:
> > >This reminds me, why does it take TI so long to come up with all the
> > >information? it's hard to believe that they can create a calculator
> > even
> > >after a year not know much about its internals.
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