Re: A89: Alignment Error
Re: A89: Alignment Error
If they wanted to commit suicide, they would have killed themselves. I
believe the term you are looking for is homicide.
Indulgences. Martin Luther wanted to reform the church, posted his 95
thesis for improving it one the church door. Next, the Reformation.
When I give money for people who are starving, I do not believe that I
am paying my way to heaven. Or for a guy that almost died in a
fireworks explosion (as was the case at my school). You are confusing
two very unlike deeds. Indulgences were corruptly sold, yes, but one
does not nuy their way to heaven by giving a poor family something to
eat on Thanksgiving. You do not have to believe in God to see that you
are an ass if you have ten dolars, and someone is on the street starving
to death, and you will not give at least a dollar.
Serial wrote:
> But see on that same note is giving up your life to faith any different than
> commiting sucide in a religious cult.
> Is it any different when they pass around that collection plate. In old
> times the catholic used to SELL you your release from past sins. I forget
> what they were called but who is to say that they aren't making money off
> your faith. Do they have the right to do such? If you have faith in
> something dont ever lose your grasp on life because if you end up killing
> yourself to ride that comet your just a statistic.
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: mhlandry <>
> To: <>
> Sent: Saturday, December 11, 1999 5:18 PM
> Subject: Re: A89: Alignment Error
> >
> > Serial wrote:
> > >
> > > I think there is a great deal of truth in that.
> > > It's just a debate, the problem is since neither can truely be proven in
> our
> > > lifetimes we're just expressing a difference in opinion with pretty good
> > > evidence both ways. It's good that it is discussed though because if you
> > > tell me you believe in god and I'm wrong... back it up. Even the bible
> > > doesn't demand blind faith and these people are putting up evidence that
> > > rivals and kills much of mine so It's not changing me but I am
> understanding
> > > why people go to church much better now.
> >
> > Ever think of why thousands of people willingly gave up their lives for
> > the Christian faith?
> > What about that girl at Columbine. The bastards told her to renounce
> > her belief in Christianity, she said no, and they killed her. Ever
> > wonder why a person would do that?
> >
> > - Matthew
> >
> > >