Re: A89: Alignment Error
Re: A89: Alignment Error
Serial wrote:
> I think there is a great deal of truth in that.
> It's just a debate, the problem is since neither can truely be proven in our
> lifetimes we're just expressing a difference in opinion with pretty good
> evidence both ways. It's good that it is discussed though because if you
> tell me you believe in god and I'm wrong... back it up. Even the bible
> doesn't demand blind faith and these people are putting up evidence that
> rivals and kills much of mine so It's not changing me but I am understanding
> why people go to church much better now.
Ever think of why thousands of people willingly gave up their lives for
the Christian faith?
What about that girl at Columbine. The bastards told her to renounce
her belief in Christianity, she said no, and they killed her. Ever
wonder why a person would do that?
- Matthew
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Joe Koston <>
> To: <>
> Sent: Thursday, March 11, 1999 4:55 PM
> Subject: Re: A89: Alignment Error
> >
> > I saw this movie recently. And it had one of the greates quotes ive ever
> > heard. It went something like
> >
> > "as the intensity which one tries to prove someone else wrong, the
> > probability that one is in fact himself wrong increases."
> >
> > i dont know, maybe both the religous, and evolution people are wrong.
> > btw we define one to equal one and that if we have one one and another
> one
> > that that is two, its not like a law that we have to go by..
> >
> >